Burse pentru participarea la ICCN2014
ASNER în colaborare cu IFCN a premiat cu burse de transport, 4 rezumate înscrise la ICCN2014, Berlin 19-23 Martie 2014:
1) Bogdan Cătălin, Fiziologie, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Craiova „Reduction in motor nerve strength-duration time constant during the anti-voltage-gated Na+ channel therapy in epilepsy”.
2) Smaranda Niță, Spitalul Clinic de Copii „Dr. Victor Gomoiu” Bucuresti, sectia de Neurologie Pediatrica „How benign are the ” Benign” Partial Epilepsies? The Role of Electroencephalography in Determining the Outcome of Children with Benign Partial Epileptic Syndromes”.
3) Ana Maria Galamb, Universitatea Transilvania Brasov, Facultatea de Medicina Centrul de Diagnostic si Tratament Oncologic, Brasov „Study on late responses’ parameters at patients with lumbar radiculopathy”.
4) Mihai Dragoș Mallia, Neurologie, Spitalul Universitar de Urgenta Bucuresti „Anatomofunctional mapping of the opercular cortex by intra-cerebral electrical stimulations in epileptic patients explored by means of stereoelectroencephalography”.